Curriculum Information
A detailed look at the curriculum coverage in each year group can be found in these documents:
Succeed the Westfield Way
School family
Supporting everyone to achieve their full potential
There is always something happening at Westfield and we strive to deliver our mission statement through a curriculum which engages, inspires, excites and challenges all our pupils:
Mission Statement
We believe it to be of great importance to recognise and treasure the unique gifts of each pupil and to do all that we can to allow these to flourish.
Westfield Primary School strives to be a community in which principles of care and mutual respect are valued.
To achieve our vision we will:
- Provide a secure and stimulating learning environment
- Provide a broad and balanced curriculum
- Provide an ethos of support, encouragement and challenge to succeed
- Provide an exciting programme of extra-curricular activities and visits.
Our curriculum is carefully designed to ensure that children meet the National Curriculum 2014 and Early Years Curriculum goals. Classes have either a termly or half termly “topic” and the majority of their subject work is linked to this theme. We write our own English Framework to ensure that reading, writing and topic work links together coherently. Throughout the year, we use specialist coaches for PE and the teaching of French in KS2. Educational visits and visitors enhance work in the classroom and bring learning alive. In addition, we enjoy whole school themed events and days such as Literacy Week, Creative Writing Days and subject themed days.
Parents are informed of the curriculum through our Curriculum Information sheets and these are also available on the school website. Additional information is gained through Parent Consultation Evenings, annual pupil reports and Curriculum Information Evenings where appropriate. Parents are most welcome to speak with either the Head or Deputy Headteacher if they require further information about any aspect of the curriculum.
Our Literacy Framework ensures that reading is taught in a comprehensive and thorough way. In EYFS and KS1, pupils take part in a daily phonics session and teaching is based around Bug Club Phonics.
Our reading scheme, “Bug Club” runs throughout the school. We have a non-fiction lending library and children have access to a wide range of fiction texts in every classroom. Achievement and commitment to reading is celebrated half termly.
In mathematics, we use the Early Years and National Curriculum 2014 frameworks to ensure pupils are taught the necessary and essential skills. In addition, we use the White Rose Hub scheme.
Please click the links below for more detailed year group topic plans