
Samantha J Hickey (Safeguarding Lead)

Deputy Headteacher 

Matthew Garnett   

Teaching Staff

Rachel Hunt

Clair Fulstow

Jenny Driffill

Emma Fancey

Clare Gladwell

Melanie Harbottle (SENCo & Deputy Safeguarding Lead)

Emily Plews

Vicky Boyes
(Designated teacher for looked after and previously looked after children)

Sarah James

Tim Price

Clare Jones

Kate Cooper

Donna Bailey

Kate Hind

Lauren Penn

Abbi Elder

Joshua Russell


Support Staff

Jenny Parker

Izzy Jewitt

Nicola Chapman

Dallas Edmond (ELSA)

Joanne Holmes

Sarah Berridge (maternity leave)

Hannah Taylor (ELSA)

Debbie Blatch

Daniel Britton 

Joanne Sambrook

Rachel Conyers

Annamarie Dean

Rachel Bullen

Lorraine Thornton

Helen Long

Eleni Stoumpou

Stacey Mason  – Nursery

Annette Pearson 

Suzanne Hansley 

Sophie Robbins

Melina Kaveney

Lori Sutherland

Office Staff 

Vikki Garner (School Business Manager)

Jade Arthur

Sarah McNamara

Midday Staff  

Jennifer Andrews   (Senior Midday Supervisor)

Debbie Nicholson

Maria Woods

Alex Ingram

Laura Robinson

Julia Munt

Rebecca Myers

Alison North

Jennifer Young

Kirsty Mansfield

Olena Romanovych (casual)

Kitchen Staff

Carol Wilkinson (Cook)  

Alison Jones

Michelle Litten

Nichola Norton

Gemma Billam


Andrew Pickersgill


All teaching staff have completed the pecuniary interest form.

All support staff have completed the pecuniary interest form.

If you require more information please contact the school office.